Rossana Bee
Rossana Bee is the matriarch of "The Bee Family" who are seen all over social media today. With several billion video views world-wide, their videos have made millions of people across the world smile every day. The Bee Family has also been featured on several media outlets such as: Good Morning America, The Today Show, Mashable, Buzzfeed, CBC News, Flight Path, Fox, and iMedia.
Having overcome devastating hardships, Rossana Bee (aka “Mama Bee”) is using her platform to promote positive change, by using her story to inspire growth, love, peace and gratitude all over the world. Rossana serves as Ambassador to the Lumos Chartiy, founded by J.K. Rowling. She is also a Yoga Teacher and co-founder of Evolve Retreat. Her humanitarian efforts have taken her to far corners of the globe, traveling to Jordan, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Bulgaria, Puerto Rico, Kurdistan and Nepal to meet with refugees and victims of war, conflict, and natural disasters.