What we do: offer mentorship & learning

One Young World Ambassadors have priority access to bespoke opportunities and exclusive programmes around the world.

The Community Team works year-round to identify and develop relevant opportunities for all Ambassadors to accelerate their work.

Check current opportunities

“Since attending the Summit in 2017, I have been provided continuous support from the team and have been provided with a number of rewarding opportunities to represent One Young World."

Lola Olaore, UK


Peer-to-peer Mentorship: OYWConnects

OYWConnects​ matches those running early-stage social enterprises with OYW Ambassadors from some of the world's leading businesses.

Mentees first participate in EIDOS Global's five week online Social Innovation Warehouse Capacity Building Program, and are then matched with Mentors.

Apply today

richard branson mentorship


kimbal musk

Mentorship from world leaders

We organise exclusive sessions throughout the year connecting Ambassadors with senior leaders representing business, government and civil society organisations.

Mentorship sessions have taken place both in person and virtually.

Mentor Sessions have been led by Sir Richard Branson, Founder, Virgin Group; Professor Muhammad Yunus; Biz Stone, Co-Founder, Twitter; Anjula Acharia, Entrepreneur & Investor; Kimbal Musk, Restaurateur, Businessman & Philanthropist; and Actress & Humanitarian, Rosario Dawson.

Register your interest

action accelerator

Bringing your post-Summit idea to life

The Action Accelerator is a programme aimed at helping Delegates-turned-Ambassadors achieve their goals with the right people and the right tools. Throughout the programme, experts from various fields serve as mentors, coaches and consultants who help support the participants’ growth and goals.

Learn more

bonnie chiu

Pitching to the world's leading marketers at Cannes Lions

Every year, 5 Ambassadors are selected to present their initiatives in front of top Chief Marketing Officers and receive one-on-one mentorship.

Mentors have included executives from Airbnb, Facebook, CNN, Accenture, Samsung, Diageo, Pinterest and Vice Impact.

interaction council

Influencing policy: Interaction Council

The InterAction Council, comprised of former heads of state, invites Ambassadors to participate in their forums, contribute to key policy papers, and build personal relationships with the leaders.

Read about the 2019 forum

Community Partners 2019-2020

The Community Team is supported by a selection of Partner organisations that share the value of promoting young leaders. Together with One Young World, they offer a variety of opportunities to the Ambassador network all year round.

community partners

Interested in partnering?

Get in touch: community@oneyoungworld.com

See what else we do