Privacy Policy



Welcome to One Young World!

In providing our services, One Young World (“us”, “we” or “our”) collects elements of information about you when we engage with you. This includes when you attend a One Young World event (physically or virtually), subscribe to our newsletter(s), or engage with us in any other way, at which point you become a Member of the One Young World Movement. We only use this information in the context of providing our services, which include building a community of young leaders, arranging our Global Annual One Young World Summits, co-ordinating other global events, and promoting individuals who are members of the Movement, and their work.

This Policy applies to all individuals who engage with One Young World and share their information with us.

One Young World is committed to protecting your privacy and this Privacy Policy sets out our obligations to you. We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time, so please check back to view the most current version. We will reach out to you if we make any material amendments.

Who is primarily responsible for your personal information?

One Young World Limited is responsible for your personal information, and can be reached at One Young World, 14 Irving Street, London, WC2H 7AF, by emailing

If you require any further information, have any questions, or would like to exercise any of your rights in relation to your personal data, please contact

What does personal data mean?

Personal data, or personal information, means any information about you from which you can be identified, including name, age, telephone number, address, credit card or bank details, email address, images, education and work history. It may also include details of the device you use to access our website and information about how you use the website.

If you are under 13 or under 18

If you are under the age of 18 you must seek permission to use our website, services, and products from a parent or guardian before submitting any personal information to us. You should show this Privacy Policy to your parent or guardian and discuss it with them. We reserve the right to refuse access to our website or any of our products or services should such permission not be obtained.

If you are under the age of 13, please don’t give us any personal information, and you should disable cookies in your browser – your parent and guardian can help you do this, and they may find the website helpful.

How we collect your personal data

We collect personal data directly from you: When you interact with our website (including creating a user profile), interact with us via social media, intend to and/or form a contract with us, correspond with us including by phone and email, interact with us in person, engage with any of the services we provide or you request from us, make a donation, register for any newsletter or updates, apply and/or register for our events, attend our events, supply services to us, speak at our events, accept an invitation to our events, enter a competition, contribute content, apply for a job or volunteering opportunity, or apply for any other opportunity (such as a scholarship).

We collect personal data about you from third parties: We may receive information about you for instance if you provide health data to a COVID-19 testing programme which shares your COVID-19 test results with us, or your employer, professional body, institution, education establishment signs you up for an event, programme, or other opportunity.

We collect personal data about you through automated technologies or interactions when you visit our website: We use cookies and similar technologies on our website, some of which collect personal data about you when you visit our website. You can view our Cookie Policy [here]

How we use your personal data

Personal data collected by One Young World will only be used for purposes permitted by law. The tables below show how we use your data based on the relationship we have with each other.

If you are or you are going to be a member of the One Young World community, and/or you are attending a One Young World event in any capacity (eg volunteer, delegate, employee, supplier, contractor, Counsellor etc)

Purpose for which we use your personal data What type of personal data are we using? What lawful basis do we rely on to use your personal data?
To enable you to attend a One Young World event, such as a Global Annual Summit

Address, accommodation details, biography, current job title, date of birth, dietary requirements, education history, email address, emergency contact details, expense claims, first name, gender, government-issued id details, languages spoken, last name, mentoring details, nationality and citizenship, networking details, phone number, profile photo, pronouns, travel details, visa and passport information, workshop details, your company or sponsor, your social media handles.


We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that you are able to participate in the events that we hold as part of the provision of our services. Our legitimate interest is the proper provision of our services, and the proper functioning of the events that we hold.
  Accessibility requirements

We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that you are able to participate in the events, by accommodating any specific access requirements. We are relying upon Article 9(g) of GDPR, reasons of substantial public interest (with a basis in law) relating to DPA Schedule 1, clause 16 Support for individuals with a particular disability or medical condition.


  Health data

We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that you are able to participate in the events, by ensuring your health does not put you nor anyone else at risk of harm or ill health. We are relying upon Article 9(g) of GDPR, reasons of substantial public interest (with a basis in law) relating to DPA Schedule 1, clause 11 Protecting the public and 16 Support for individuals with a particular disability or medical condition.


To provide you with membership to the One Young World community Account name, address, alternative contact details, assistant details, biography, company job title, country residing, date of birth, dietary requirements, education history, email address, emergency contact details, first name, gender, industry, language, last name, mobile number, nationality, phone number, profile image, profile picture, professional/personal achievements, pronouns, salutation, social media links, travel details, visa and passport information, work and any other relevant experience.

We rely on our legitimate interest in providing you with membership of the One Young World and the benefits and opportunities associated with this, as part of the provision of our services. Our legitimate interest is the proper provision of our services, and the proper functioning of the One Young World community.


  Accessibility requirements

We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that you are able to participate in the One Young World community, by accommodating any specific access requirements. We are relying upon Article 9(g) of GDPR, reasons of substantial public interest (with a basis in law) relating to DPA Schedule 1, clause 16 Support for individuals with a particular disability or medical condition.


  Though we will not ask for it, any other personal data which you may include in your biography or achievements, which may relate to your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, sex life, or sexual orientation. We rely on our legitimate interest in representing you, your background, and your biography in the way you have shared it with us. We are relying upon Article 9(e) of GDPR, made public by the data subject.
To promote you and your work to our global audience Biography, current job title, first name, last name, nationality, social media handles, your company or sponsor.

We rely on our legitimate interest in promoting you and your work to a global audience, as one of the benefits of membership of the One Young World community and as part of the provision of our services. Our legitimate interest is the proper provision of our services, and the proper functioning of the One Young World community.



Though we will not ask for it, any other personal data which you may share with us for us to promote about you (such as an achievement or award), which may relate to your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, sex life, or sexual orientation.


We rely on our legitimate interest in representing you, your background, and your biography in the way you have shared it with us. We are relying upon Article 9(e) of GDPR, made public by the data subject.
To communicate with you or internally about you, to improve our services and be responsive to the needs of the One Young World community

Address, accommodation details, biography, current job title, date of birth, dietary requirements, email address, emergency contact details, expense claims, first name, gender, government-issued id details, languages spoken, last name, mentoring details, nationality, networking details, phone number, profile photo, pronouns, social media handles, travel details, visa and passport information, workshop details, your company or sponsor.


We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that though communication, we are able to provide our services to you. Our legitimate interest is the proper provision of our services, and the proper functioning of the events that we hold and the One Young World community.
  Accessibility requirements

We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that you are able to participate in the One Young World community and our events, by accommodating any specific access requirements. We are relying upon Article 9(g) of GDPR, reasons of substantial public interest (with a basis in law) relating to DPA Schedule 1, clause 16 Support for individuals with a particular disability or medical condition.



Though we will not ask for it, any other personal data which you may include in your biography or achievements, which may relate to your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, sex life, or sexual orientation.


We rely on our legitimate interest in representing you, your background, and your biography in the way you have shared it with us. We are relying upon Article 9(e) of GDPR, made public by the data subject.
  Health data

We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that you are able to participate in the events, by ensuring your health does not put you nor anyone else at risk of harm or ill health. We are relying upon Article 9(g) of GDPR, reasons of substantial public interest (with a basis in law) relating to DPA Schedule 1, clause 11 Protecting the public and 16 Support for individuals with a particular disability or medical condition.


To enable you to create a profile for an event we are organising which you have registered to attend, to use before, during, and after the event. Biography, city residing, country residing, date of birth, email address, first name, gender, job title, last name, mother tongue, nationality, organisation, phone number, profile picture, second email address, second language, second nationality, skills, social media links, university, username.

We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that you are able to participate in the events that we hold as part of the provision of our services, to provide you the opportunity to promote your participation in the event, and to other people to see your profile. Our legitimate interest is the proper provision of our services, and the proper functioning of the events that we hold and the One Young World community.



Though we will not ask for it, any other personal data which you may include in your profile, biography or achievements, which may relate to your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, sex life, or sexual orientation.


We rely on our legitimate interest in representing you, your background, and your biography in the way you have shared it with us. We are relying upon Article 9(e) of GDPR, made public by the data subject.
To receive and make payments to you Bank account details, first name, last name, payment card details, postal address, tax details, title.

We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that we can make payments to each other for any services or reimbursements. Our legitimate interest is the proper provision of our services.


To provide travel and accommodation services to you

Accommodation details, address, date of birth, dietary requirements, email, emergency contact details, expense claims, first name, gender, government-issued id details, last name, nationality, phone number, pronouns, travel details, visa and passport information and any other personal data required to include in documents to support you gaining authorisation to travel.


We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that you are able to provide you with travel and accommodation as part of the provision of our services. Our legitimate interest is the proper provision of our services, and the proper functioning of the events that we hold.
  Health data

We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that you are able to participate in the events, by ensuring your health does not put you nor anyone else at risk of harm or ill health. We are relying upon Article 9(g) of GDPR, reasons of substantial public interest (with a basis in law) relating to DPA Schedule 1, clause 11 Protecting the public and 16 Support for individuals with a particular disability or medical condition.


  Accessibility requirements

We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that you are able to provide travel and accommodation to you which is accommodating of any specific access requirements. We are relying upon Article 9(g) of GDPR, reasons of substantial public interest (with a basis in law) relating to DPA Schedule 1, clause 16 Support for individuals with a particular disability or medical condition.


If you are applying for a scholarship

Purpose for which we use your personal data What type of personal data are we using? What lawful basis do we rely on to use your personal data?

To assess your application for a scholarship, which may include automated decision making

First name, last name, email address, nationality, country residing, company,
job title, gender, description, organisation (other than sponsor), organisation role, biography, work another other relevant experience, any other personal data you provide to support your application.

We rely on our legitimate interest in assessing your application for a scholarship opportunity, as part of the provision of our services. Our legitimate interest is the proper provision of our services, and the proper functioning of the events that we hold and the One Young World community.



Though we will not ask for it, any other personal data which you may include in your biography or achievements, which may relate to your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, sex life, or sexual orientation.


We rely on our legitimate interest in representing you, your background, and your biography in the way you have shared it with us. We are relying upon Article 9(e) of GDPR, made public by the data subject.

To provide organisations providing a scholarship the opportunity to assess your application for a scholarship

First name, last name, email address, nationality, country residing, company,
job title, gender, description, organisation (other than sponsor), organisation role, biography, work another other relevant experience, any other personal data you provide to support your application.

We rely on our legitimate interest in assessing your application for a scholarship opportunity with organisations providing a scholarship, as part of the provision of our services. Our legitimate interest is the proper provision of our services, and the proper functioning of the events that we hold and the One Young World community.



Though we will not ask for it, any other personal data which you may include in your biography or achievements, which may relate to your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, sex life, or sexual orientation.


We rely on our legitimate interest in representing you, your background, and your biography in the way you have shared it with us. We are relying upon Article 9(e) of GDPR, made public by the data subject.

To report on your participation in a scholarship

First name, last name, profile picture

We rely on our legitimate interest in reporting your participation in a scholarship to promote you and your work, as part of forming a relationship with your sponsor, and ensuring transparency is scholarship participation. Our legitimate interest is the proper provision of our services, and the proper functioning of the events that we hold and the One Young World community.


To communicate with you or internally about you, to improve our services and be responsive to the needs of the One Young World community

Email, first name, last name, date of birth, gender, pronouns, phone number, profile photo, address, nationality, languages spoken, current job title, your company or sponsor, biography, your social media handles, visa and passport information, dietary requirements, emergency contact details, workshop details, mentoring details, networking details, accommodation details, travel details, expense claims, government issued id details.


We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that though communication, we are able to provide our services to you. Our legitimate interest is the proper provision of our services, and the proper functioning of the events that we hold and the One Young World community.

  Accessibility requirements

We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that you are able to participate in the One Young World community and our events, by accommodating any specific access requirements. We are relying upon Article 9(g) of GDPR, reasons of substantial public interest (with a basis in law) relating to DPA Schedule 1, clause 16 Support for individuals with a particular disability or medical condition.



Though we will not ask for it, any other personal data which you may include in your biography or achievements, which may relate to your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, sex life, or sexual orientation.


We rely on our legitimate interest in representing you, your background, and your biography in the way you have shared it with us. We are relying upon Article 9(e) of GDPR, made public by the data subject.

If you are a partner or prospective partner (client)

Purpose for which we use your personal data What type of personal data are we using? What lawful basis do we rely on to use your personal data?
To find prospective clients who we think would be interested in the services we provide

First name, last name, email, job title, employee number, nationality, company name, industry, social media profile, location.


We rely on our legitimate interest to find new clients while ensuring their data is accurate. Our legitimate interest is finding prospective clients who we think will be interested in our services, or interested in our services because of their job or role, or who have purchased similar services before.
To contact prospective clients about the services we provide

First name, last name, email, job title, employee number, nationality, company name, industry, social media profile, location.


We rely on our legitimate interest to provide prospective clients with information about our services. Our legitimate interest is to provide information to prospective clients who we think will be interested in our services, or interested in our services because of their job or role, or who have purchased similar services before.
To contact existing or former clients about the services we provide

First name, last name, email, job title, employee number, nationality, company name, industry, social media profile, location.


We rely on our legitimate interest to provide existing or former clients with information about our services. Our legitimate interest is to provide information to existing or former clients who we think will be interested in services they have purchased before or other services which are similar to the services they have purchased before.
To form contracts and deliver services contained within contracts

First name, last name, email, job title, employee number, nationality, company name, industry, social media profile, location.


We rely on our legitimate interest in providing services to you. Our legitimate interest is carrying out obligations of any contracts we intend to enter into with you or have entered into with you.
To receive and make payments to you

Title, first name, last name, postal address, tax details, bank account details, payment card details.


We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that we can make payments to each other for any services or reimbursements. Our legitimate interest is the proper provision of our services.
To communicate with you or internally about you, to improve our services and be responsive to the needs of the One Young World community

First name, last name, email, job title, employee number, nationality, company name, industry, social media profile, location.


We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that though communication, we are able to provide our services to you. Our legitimate interest is the proper provision of our services, and the proper functioning of the events that we hold and the One Young World community.

If you are a Counsellor

Purpose for which we use your personal data What type of personal data are we using? What lawful basis do we rely on to use your personal data?
To find prospective Counsellors who we think would be interested in supporting our work First name, last name, email, job title, address, gender, assistant details

We rely on our legitimate interest to find new Counsellors to support our work while ensuring their data is accurate. Our legitimate interest is finding prospective Counsellors who we think will be interested in our work, or interested in our work because of their job or role, or who have supported similar work before.


To contact prospective Counsellors about our work and the services we provide First name, last name, email, job title, address, gender, assistant details

We rely on our legitimate interest to provide prospective Counsellors with information about our work and our services. Our legitimate interest is to provide information to prospective Counsellors who we think will be interested in supporting us and our services, or interested in our work or services because of their job or role, or who have supported similar work before.


To promote you and your work to our global audience First name, last name, email, job title, address, gender, assistant details, biography

We rely on our legitimate interest in promoting you and your work to a global audience, as one of the benefits of membership of the One Young World community and as part of the provision of our services. Our legitimate interest is the proper provision of our services, and the proper functioning of the One Young World community.



Though we will not ask for it, any other personal data which you may include in your biography or achievements, which may relate to your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, sex life, or sexual orientation.


We rely on our legitimate interest in representing you, your background, and your biography in the way you have shared it with us. We are relying upon Article 9(e) of GDPR, made public by the data subject.
To communicate with you or internally about you, to improve our services and be responsive to the needs of the One Young World community First name, last name, email, job title, address, gender, assistant details, biography

We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that though communication, we are able to provide our services to you. Our legitimate interest is the proper provision of our services, and the proper functioning of any grants or awards we offer or administer.



Though we will not ask for it, any other personal data which you may include in your biography or achievements, which may relate to your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, sex life, or sexual orientation.


We rely on our legitimate interest in representing you, your background, and your biography in the way you have shared it with us. We are relying upon Article 9(e) of GDPR, made public by the data subject.
To form contracts and deliver services contained within contracts First name, last name, email, job title, address, gender, assistant details, biography

We rely on our legitimate interest in providing services to you. Our legitimate interest is carrying out obligations of any contracts we intend to enter into with you or have entered into with you.


If you apply for a grant or award

Purpose for which we use your personal data What type of personal data are we using? What lawful basis do we rely on to use your personal data?
To assess your application for a grant or award First name, last name, email address, postal address, bank details, bank statements, any other personal data you provide to support your application.

We rely on our legitimate interest in assessing your application for a grant or award, as part of the provision of our services. Our legitimate interest is the proper provision of our services, and the proper functioning of any grants or awards we offer or administer.



Though we will not ask for it, any other personal data which you may include in your biography or achievements, which may relate to your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, sex life, or sexual orientation.


We rely on our legitimate interest in representing you, your background, and your biography in the way you have shared it with us. We are relying upon Article 9(e) of GDPR, made public by the data subject.
To provide organisations sponsoring a grant or award the opportunity to assess your application for a grant or award First name, last name, email address, postal address, any other personal data you provide to support your application.

We rely on our legitimate interest in assessing your application for a grant or award with organisations providing that grant or award, as part of the provision of our services. Our legitimate interest is the proper provision of our services, and the proper functioning of any grants or awards we offer or administer.



Though we will not ask for it, any other personal data which you may include in your biography or achievements, which may relate to your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, sex life, or sexual orientation.


We rely on our legitimate interest in representing you, your background, and your biography in the way you have shared it with us. We are relying upon Article 9(e) of GDPR, made public by the data subject.
To report on your participation in a grant or award First name, last name, profile picture

We rely on our legitimate interest in reporting your participation in a grant or award to promote you and your work, as part of forming a relationship with a sponsor, and ensuring transparency in grants and awards. Our legitimate interest is the proper provision of our services, and the proper functioning of any grants or awards we offer or administer.


To form contracts and deliver services contained within contracts First name, last name, email, job title, address, gender, assistant details, biography

We rely on our legitimate interest in providing services to you. Our legitimate interest is carrying out obligations of any contracts we intend to enter into with you or have entered into with you.


To receive and make payments to you Title, first name, last name, postal address, tax details, bank account details, payment card details

We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that we can make payments to each other for any services or reimbursements. Our legitimate interest is the proper provision of our services.


To communicate with you or internally about you, to improve our services and be responsive to the needs of the One Young World community First name, last name, email address, postal address, any other personal data you provide to support your application.

We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that though communication, we are able to provide our services to you. Our legitimate interest is the proper provision of our services, and the proper functioning of the events that we hold and the One Young World community.



Though we will not ask for it, any other personal data which you may include in your biography or achievements, which may relate to your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, sex life, or sexual orientation.


We rely on our legitimate interest in representing you, your background, and your biography in the way you have shared it with us. We are relying upon Article 9(e) of GDPR, made public by the data subject.

If you are a supplier to One Young World

Purpose for which we use your personal data What type of personal data are we using? What lawful basis do we rely on to use your personal data?
To form contracts and deliver services contained within contracts First name, last name, email, job title, address

We rely on our legitimate interest in contracting with you. Our legitimate interest is carrying out obligations of any contracts we intend to enter into with you or have entered into with you.


To receive and make payments to you Title, first name, last name, postal address, tax details, bank account details, payment card details

We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that we can make payments to each other for any services or reimbursements. Our legitimate interest is is carrying out obligations of any contracts we intend to enter into with you or have entered into with you.


To communicate with you or internally about you, to improve our services and the way we work with you First name, last name, email, job title, address

We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that though communication, we are able to provide our services to you. Our legitimate interest is is carrying out obligations of any contracts we intend to enter into with you or have entered into with you.


If you are applying for volunteer opportunities with One Young World or you are a volunteer of One Young World

Purpose for which we use your personal data What type of personal data are we using? What lawful basis do we rely on to use your personal data?
To assess your application for volunteering opportunities with us Title, first name, last name, address, email address, postal address, your CV

We rely on our legitimate interest in assessing your application for volunteer opportunities. Our legitimate interest is the proper assessment of your suitability for such volunteering with us.


  Accessibility requirements

We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that we are accommodating of any specific access requirements. We are relying upon Article 9(g) of GDPR, reasons of substantial public interest (with a basis in law) relating to DPA Schedule 1, clause 16 Support for individuals with a particular disability or medical condition.


To form and carry out a volunteer relationship with you

Title, name, address, email, telephone number, job title, location, working hours, join date, length of service, gender, date of birth, age, nationality, volunteer agreement, profile pictures, CV, volunteer application, skills, next of kin, emergency contact details, education history, CCTV images.


We rely on our legitimate interest in contracting with you. Our legitimate interest is carrying out obligations of the contract of employment we are entering into with you or have entered into with you.
  Accessibility requirements

We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that we are accommodating of any specific access requirements. We are relying upon Article 9(g) of GDPR, reasons of substantial public interest (with a basis in law) relating to DPA Schedule 1, clause 16 Support for individuals with a particular disability or medical condition.


  Health data

We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that we are accommodating of any specific health requirements, and ensure your health, safety and wellbeing while at work. We are relying upon Article 9(h) of GDPR, reasons of health and social care relating to DPA Schedule 1, clause 16 Support for individuals with a particular disability or medical condition, and Article 9(g) of GDPR, reasons of substantial public interest (with a basis in law) relating to DPA Schedule 1, clause 11 Protecting the public and 16 Support for individuals with a particular disability or medical condition.


To communicate with you or internally about you, to effectively carry out a volunteer relationship with you First name, last name, email, job title, address

We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that though communication, we are able to provide carry out our obligations to you. Our legitimate interest is the proper execution of our contractual obligations to you.


  Health data

We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that we are accommodating of any specific health requirements, and ensure your health, safety and wellbeing while at work. We are relying upon Article 9(h) of GDPR, reasons of health and social care relating to DPA Schedule 1, clause 16 Support for individuals with a particular disability or medical condition, and Article 9(g) of GDPR, reasons of substantial public interest (with a basis in law) relating to DPA Schedule 1, clause 11 Protecting the public and 16 Support for individuals with a particular disability or medical condition.


If you are applying for employment with One Young World or you are an employee of One Young World

Purpose for which we use your personal data What type of personal data are we using? What lawful basis do we rely on to use your personal data?
To assess your application for employment with us Title, first name, last name, address, email address, postal address, your CV.

We rely on our legitimate interest in assessing your application for employment. Our legitimate interest is the proper assessment of your suitability for employment with us.


  Accessibility requirements

We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that we are accommodating of any specific access requirements. We are relying upon Article 9(g) of GDPR, reasons of substantial public interest (with a basis in law) relating to DPA Schedule 1, clause 16 Support for individuals with a particular disability or medical condition.


To form and carry out a contract of employment with you

Title, name, address, employment status, email, telephone number, job title, location, working hours, join date, length of service, p45/p46, probation details, gender, date of birth, age, nationality, national insurance number, driving license number, absences details, training details, performance details, disciplinary details, employment contract, right to work/ID details (generally passport), remuneration, timesheets, payroll ID, bank account details, profile pictures, reason for dismissal, CV, job application, skills, next of kin, emergency contact details, employment history, education history, pension details, CCTV images.


We rely on our legitimate interest providing a volunteer opportunity to you. Our legitimate interest is carrying out obligations of the volunteer opportunity that we provide to you.
  Accessibility requirements

We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that we are accommodating of any specific access requirements. We are relying upon Article 9(g) of GDPR, reasons of substantial public interest (with a basis in law) relating to DPA Schedule 1, clause 16 Support for individuals with a particular disability or medical condition.


  Medical facts and health data

We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that we are accommodating of any specific health requirements, and ensure your health, safety and wellbeing while at work. We are relying upon Article 9(h) of GDPR, reasons of health and social care relating to DPA Schedule 1, clause 16 Support for individuals with a particular disability or medical condition, and Article 9(g) of GDPR, reasons of substantial public interest (with a basis in law) relating to DPA Schedule 1, clause 11 Protecting the public and 16 Support for individuals with a particular disability or medical condition.


To communicate with you or internally about you, to effectively carry out a contract of employment with you First name, last name, email, job title, address

We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that though communication, we are able to provide carry out our obligations to you. Our legitimate interest is carrying out obligations of the volunteer opportunity that we provide to you.


  Health data

We rely on our legitimate interest in ensuring that we are accommodating of any specific health requirements, and ensure your health, safety and wellbeing while at work. We are relying upon Article 9(h) of GDPR, reasons of health and social care relating to DPA Schedule 1, clause 16 Support for individuals with a particular disability or medical condition, and Article 9(g) of GDPR, reasons of substantial public interest (with a basis in law) relating to DPA Schedule 1, clause 11 Protecting the public and 16 Support for individuals with a particular disability or medical condition.



Sharing your data with third parties

One Young World will not sell or rent your personal data with anyone. We may share your data with our related organisations who also adopt this Privacy Policy.


We may share your personal data with certain third parties, including:

  • Third parties and service providers who we work with to deliver our services to you and for you. For example, production suppliers at our events, workshop or other interactive events hosted by third parties which you elect to attend, hotels and accommodation providers where we are providing you with accommodation, travel agents where we are arranging flights for you, credit card providers so we can take payment from you, hosts and sponsors of dinners and receptions we provide to you.

  • Technical support providers, such those who maintain and run our IT equipment and systems.

  • Third parties and service provides who we work with to deliver health related services. For example, an occupational health service when we provide occupational health services to you, COVID-19 testing service when you take COVID-19 test to access our events, or COVID-19 safety providers when we use services to manage COVID-19 safety at our events.

  • Social media providers with whom we use to promote and share your participation in our movement, and/or who you have opted to share any of your personal data with by sharing our content on their platforms.

  • Third parties where it is necessary to share your personal data in order to enforce our legal rights, or to protect the rights, property, or safety of our employees, or to protect your rights, health, safety, and wellbeing.

  • Any other third parties where we are permitted or required to by law, regulations, or court orders, such as regulators, government bodies, law enforcement agencies, and our legal and other professional advisors.

Transferring your data overseas

One Young World is headquartered in London in the United Kingdom, but also has a regional office in New York in the United States, and we host events in different parts of the world. Therefore, where necessary, information you provide will be transferred outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”) and may be processed by staff operating outside the EEA.


If we transfer your personal data outside the EEA (or the UK following the end of the Brexit transition period), we will ensure that your data is adequately protected and processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy, data protection laws applicable in the UK, and will rely on approved mechanisms, including:


  • the EU Standard Contract Clauses (or clauses published by the equivalent UK body once the Brexit transition period has ended);

  • the EU-US Privacy Shield; or

  • only transferring the information to organisations within countries that the European Commission and/or the UK (depending on the circumstances) has judged offers adequate protection for your information.

Your data and your rights

In relation to your own personal data, you have the following rights:

  • The right of access – the right to request access to the personal data we process about you

  • The right to rectification –- If you believe the personal data we hold about you is incorrect, you can contact us to request for any incomplete or inaccurate data that we hold about you to be corrected. However, we may need to verify the accuracy of the new information you provide to.

  • The right to erasure - You have the right to request the deletion or removal of personal data we hold about you where there is no good reason for us continuing to process it. You also have the right to ask us to delete or remove your personal data where you have successfully exercised your right to object to us holding your information, where we may have processed your information unlawfully or where we are required to erase your personal data to comply with law. Although we will consider every request for erasure on its merits, we may not always be able to comply with your request of erasure for specific legal reasons which will be notified to you, if applicable, at that time of your request.

  • The right to restrict processing - You have a right to request us to suspend the processing of your personal data in the following situations:

    1. for the period it takes us to rectify any inaccurate data about you;

    2. where our use of the data is unlawful but you do not want us to erase it;

    3. where you want to prevent us from deleting your data at the end of the retention period in the event that you need it to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim;

    4. where you have objected to our use of your data, but we need to verify whether we (or a third party) have overriding legitimate grounds to use it.

  • Right to request the transfer of your personal data to you or to a third party – You have the right to ask us to transfer certain information we hold about you to a third party you have chosen, or directly to you. Where your request is valid, we will provide you with your personal data in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format.

  • The right to object - You have a right to object to the processing of your personal data where we are using it for the purpose of our legitimate interests. If we agree that your objection is justified we will stop using your information for those purposes. Alternatively, we will explain why we still need to use your information.

  • Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling. Automated decision-making refers to a decision made without any human involvement, and we make sure that safeguards are in place so that so we don’t make potentially damaging decisions about you without any human involvement. For example, when you apply for a scholarship. You have the right:

    1. Not to be subject to a decision that is based solely on automated processing if the decision affects your legal rights for example

    2. To understand the reasons behind decisions made about you by automated processing and the possible consequences of the decisions

You can exercise any of these rights with respect to how One Young World uses you data at any time by contacting You will generally not have to pay a fee to exercise your rights.

Where we are relying on your consent to process personal data, you can withdraw your consent at any time. To do so please send your request at

If you have any complaints about how the we handle your personal data, please contact us by telephone on 020 3691 8060, or by email at and we will do our best to assist.


You also have a right to make a complaint to the supervisory authority in your country of residence or employment or place of the alleged infringement. The Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”) is the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues. You can contact the ICO:


by Telephone:

0303 123 1113 or 01625 545 745


or in writing to:

Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)

Wycliffe House
Water Lane


or via their website:


If you have consented to receiving marketing communications from us, we may regularly send you updates from One Young World, which we hope you find interesting. If you would rather not receive this information, you can unsubscribe by following the opt-out instructions contained in any emails that you receive from us.

Security of your data

We have appropriate security measures in place to prevent your personal data from being accidentally destroyed, lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way. However, the transmission of information over the internet is never completely secure, so, while we do our best to protect personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of information transmitted to and from us, and the data shared with third parties over the internet.


Sometimes were share links to other websites with you, which are owned and operated by third parties. Clicking on those links may allow other people to collect or share data about you. We do not control those other websites, and we are not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of by third parties. Therefore, we suggest you read the privacy policy of every website you visit.

How long we hold your data

We ensure that we retain your personal data for only as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, taking into account the amount, nature and sensitivity of the data, and as required or permitted by law.

Contact us

If at any time you would like to contact us with your views about this Privacy Policy, or with any enquiry relating to your personal data, or if you do not wish us to continue using your data as outlined in this Privacy Policy, you can do so by sending an e-mail to or write to Privacy, One Young World, 14 Irving Street, London, WC2H 7AF.