One Young World is delighted to publish its 6th Annual Impact Report, representing an incredible year of social impact from the organisation and its Community, all in pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals.
One Young World has innovated in 2020 to offer more opportunities, more funding, and more education to help support and build its Community. Amongst other programmes, the One Young World Academy was founded, a world-class learning platform with lectures from prestigious, international, sustainability leaders.
One Young World also launched the Covid Young Leaders Fund, a grant-giving mechanism that distributed more than $450,000 to initiatives tackling the pandemic, and the third incarnation of Lead2030 to support projects achieving the Sustainable Development Goals with $50,000 each and a year of mentorship.

A selection of 50 Ambassador-led initiatives was analysed as a snapshot of the Community, to demonstrate the social impact generated by young leaders around the world. This analysis concluded that, on average, every $1 invested in an Ambassador-led initiative returns $16 worth of positive social impact.
Additionally, a selection of young professionals working for One Young World’s 190+ world-leading partner organisations has been featured. They are driving sustainability in their workplaces and leveraging the capacity of big business to generate social value.
Other young leaders are working as social entrepreneurs, politicians, journalists, scientists, and activists, all driving change for good in their communities and further afield. This handful of examples of the wider Community that leads thousands of social impact initiatives has directly impacted more than 4.4 million people and mitigated more than 190,000 tonnes of CO2.
In the full report, you can find a detailed breakdown of the programmes and impact of the One Young World organisation and Community in 2020 and identify impactful initiatives to champion and support.