Leider Andres Tombe Morales
Cauca Territorial Coordinator for Project: NupirƟ, Mamik, Ɵsikwareik
I am a young indigenous Misak passionate about the transformation of education and sustainable agriculture through innovation, science and ancestral knowledge in indigenous communities.
For 8 years I have led from research and integration of traditional knowledge, an initiative of genetic conservation of Andean tubers, where I promote sustainable means of production, the rescue of the food culture of indigenous communities and thus ensure food sovereignty.
During 2023 I participated in the Transforming Education Co-Action Summit, led by Salzburg Global Seminar, a convention that sought to generate conversation about the role of intergenerational leadership in the field of transformation of education systems, the result of which was a guide disclosed to the General Assembly of the United Nations.
In May 2024 I participated in the “Encounter on Indigenous Knowledge and Food Systems” developed in Quito-Ecuador by the Latin American Center for Development -RIMISP and the International Development Research Center-IDRC. To achieve my goals, I have been supported by different scholarships such as Youth Social Impact Leaders of Women, Martin Luther King Program of USAID.
I dream of a sustainable world, where all voices are integrated in the construction of a country and shared visions among the different communities.